Are you ready to support women on their fertility journey too?

Be supported as you start or grow your fertility-based business.



Start-or-grow your fertility-based business with support

  • Industry knowledge + expertise
  • Client guidance
  • Professional growth
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Jess Tims, CFD, MA

  • Certified Fertility Doula
  • Expert in communication + fertility health
  • Reiki energy healing certified

 Get 1:1 guidance on your fertility-based business to help you grow + thrive.


Transform your client's lives

Women need your support. You are more than ready. It is time to get clarity on:

  • Business growth
  • Client acquisition
  • Personal confidence
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What mentees are saying...

“I have always struggled to be confident showing up on social media. Jess helped me find my inner power to show up for my clients.”

Kathy E.

“I didn't know where to start and Jess helped me get off the ground. I am so grateful that she shared so much with me.”

Allie C.

"I couldn't find support anywhere...Jess helped me feel like I could do it.”

Jenny O.

Be mentored today


"I can't wait to support you in starting & growing your fertility-based business. The more fertility support professionals out in the world, the better!" - Jess

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